Another Blog Post About The Simpsons (Seasons 9-16: Part 1):

Here we go again my fellow Springfieldians! For this next blog, I will be focusing on five of my favourite episodes from Seasons 9-16; perhaps within this post, you’ll find some gems that you forgot about! While narrowing down this list wasn’t as difficult as the earlier seasons, I found it pleasantly surprising and delightful to revisit some of these episodes as I myself had forgotten their charm. So grab yourself a can of Mountain Dew (or Crab Juice) and enjoy these next five episodes.

The City of New York vs Homer Simpson (Season 9, Episode 1)
Alright New York, we’re coming back, and I won’t be making two stops in Atlanta to get there.

Homer and his fellow barflies are informed by Moe that they are responsible for 91% of all traffic incidents in Springfield, so they are going to start having designated drivers; Barney is the first one randomly drawn via picked egg and descends into madness watching everyone else get totally wasted as he remains sober. After dropping a very drunk Homer off infront of his house, Barney disappears with the car and 2 months go by with both of them still missing. Eventually, Barney is dropped off in front of Moe’s, incredibly incoherent and with no recollection of where Homer’s car might be. Homer scooters home, and learns from Lisa (who has a letter from the city of New York) that his car is illegally parked and abandoned in Manhattan. Homer refuses to go, calling New York a hell-hole. Homer only agrees to return to New York because travel fare is so cheap and the rest of the family want to go. Once they arrive in New York, Marge, Bart, Lisa and Maggie go off to explore the city while Homer goes to retrieve his car. He arrives finding his car parked in the middle of the plaza (World Trade Center), full of tickets and a boot on the wheel. Homer tries to pry the boot off with his hands, but a loud bystander tells him he needs to call the phone number on the boot. After the phone call, Homer learns that he needs to wait by his car for a parking officer between the hours of 9 A.M. and 5 P.M. More shenanigans ensue as Homer gets fed up waiting and eventually drives his car with the boot on the wheel, attempting to remove it with a jackhammer. Ultimately, the car is trashed and the Simpsons are seen leaving New York with a broken windshield, while driving behind a garbage truck…

Why I Love It:
I always really enjoy the episodes where the Simpson family travels outside of Springfield, and this one is probably my favourite (with the exception of the fictional Cypress Creek of course). I love all the cultural references found throughout their whole time in New York, and I appreciate the accuracy and details of the city. The first time I visited New York City was in 2006, so after 9/11, but I remembering being able to piece together elements from the episode so clearly. Additionally, like many great episodes, I love the movie references; Ben-Hur, Die Hard, and The GodFather for example. Of course, there are just many laugh-out loud moments that make this episode a real gem. I believe that this episode also has very high rewatch value, as there are always new subtle details to pick up on with each and every rewatch.

Memorable Quotes:
“We’ll meet you in Central Park at 5:00.”
“Okay, but not a minute later. Once the sun goes down, all the weirdos turn crazy. (looks at person on street) I’m on to you!”

“I don’t think it’s a good idea to be driving around in a car you built yourself.”
(Building a car out of a mattress) “Okay, Marge, either you can stand there and complain, or you can get started knitting me those seatbelts.”

“Alright New York, I’m comin’ back! But you’re not gettin’ this!” (throws his wallet into the fireplace)
“Dad, our baby pictures were in there!”
“Don’t you start!”

“Uh oh! It’s getting dark! Well that’s it! I’m getting out of this town alive if it kills me!”

Homer to the Max (Season 10: Episode 3)
How many times have you cleverly ended a discussion with, “and that’s the end of that chapter” because for me, I’ve lost count.

While watching TV, the Simpson family stumbles upon a new show called Police Cops; the show has a suave detective and his partner, and Homer is especially interested in the show when he finds that the suave detective shares his name; Homer Simpson. Convinced that he and the character are so much alike, Homer starts mimicking the character including catch phrases and accessories (scarf). Homer is getting praise from everyone in town, including the old prom queen from high school, but when Homer goes to Moe’s to catch the latest Police Cops episode, the episode now features Homer Simpson as a fat, bumbling, detective. Detective Homer’s new catchphrase is “Uh Oh Spaghetti-O”. Homer is mortified to see that his namesake is now no longer handsome and cool, the irony of course being that this version of the character is now more like Homer than the pilot version. Homer pleas with the producers of “Police Cops” to change the character’s personality or his name; to which they do neither and this prompts Homer to change his name to Max Power. The rest of the Simpson family is surprised to learn of his name-change, but “Max” starts speaking of his new personality — dynamic, decisive, uncompromising and rude, which is pointed out as being exactly like his old personality but faster. Now that Homer is Max Power, all the negative attention fades away, and Homer even gets noticeably better attention at work and from others in the community; including a few celebrities. However, Max and Marge get roped into a protest to save the redwood forest where they are literally tied to trees. The cops start chasing Max around his tree, trying to “swab” him with mace. However, as he runs round and round the tree, the chain around him starts cutting into the tree and finally, the huge redwood falls, knocking down the other redwoods. Ultimately, Max Power becomes Homer Simpsons once again.

Why I Love It:
In addition to being incredibly quotable, I really love the concept of this episode as Homer comes to terms with a television character in his likeness. I also love the idea of Homer changing his name and seeing it as a clean slate for him to try to do and be anything he wants to be. All in all, this episode is a lot of fun, especially as we get to see Homer live a different life with new found confidence; I love the confidence boost Homer gets by becoming Max Power. However, we are reminded of the all important truth that your family loves you unconditionally; it doesn’t matter what your name is or if you have a clever catch-phrase or fashionable accessories.

Memorable Quotes:
(singing) “Max Power, he’s the man whose name you’d love to touch, but you mustn’t touch! His name sounds good in your ear, but when you say it, you mustn’t fear! Cause his name can be said, by anyone!”

Kids, there’s three ways to do things. The right way, the wrong way and the Max Power way!”
“Isn’t that the wrong way?”
“Yeah, but faster!”

“Homer, your growing insanity is starting to worry me. Why don’t you talk to the producers of the show? Maybe they’ll make your character suave again.”
“Hmm… I guess I could, but while I’m gone, keep an eye on that weird-looking kid down there.”
“Yeah. “Bart.”

“Oh, this is the worst party ever!”
“I don’t know. Remember that New Year’s Eve at Lenny’s? He didn’t even have a clock.”

“So where to eat? You like Thai?”
“Tie good. You like shirt?”

“Nobody *snuggles* with Max Power, Marge. You strap yourself in and feel the Gs.”

Smart and Smarter (Season 15: Episode 13):
You don’t need Phonic Frog to spell out one word to summarize this episode is, but just incase, you’d type: G-R-E-A-T.

The Simpson family visits the pre-nursery school run by Mrs. Wickerbottom and realize they need to act soon at getting Maggie enlisted. Maggie fails the initial screening because she cannot talk, but Lisa is determined to show everyone how smart Maggie really is and at the second screening, Maggie is deemed a genius; smarter than Lisa! Crushed that she is no longer the smartest Simpson, Lisa tries to create new identities for herself. Lisa’s jealousy of Maggie grows stronger and she begins teaching Maggie wrong information. Upset with herself for not celebrating her sisters’ success and crippled with the disappointment from her family, she runs away and hides in the museum which sends her family on a hunt to find her. The family accidently gets swallowed into the giant human body model and it is up to Maggie to save them; she presses many buttons until she finally presses the evacuate button, following a visual cue from Lisa as to its color on the button. It is then determined from the owner of Mrs. Wickerbottom’s that Maggie had been taking cues from Lisa the whole time during her test, and therefore was not a genius. The episode ends with Maggie playing Lisa’s saxophone, to which she insists that saxophones are not for babies.

Why I Love It:
I’m all in on episodes that dive into sibling dynamics and relationships. As someone who doesn’t have a sister, and who is the youngest sibling of three, I am always intrigued by episodes about Maggie because I like how they shed light on how she fits into a family with so many interesting and polarizing personalities. Interestingly, this episode leaves us questioning whether Lisa was really the odd one in the family after all these years, as now we see that Maggie is also a smart Simpson. Similar to the episode above, you also get to see Lisa go through an identity change, as she tries to narrow down what exactly defines her as Lisa Simpson, since she is no longer the “smart” one. Episodes like these also remind us that Lisa is still a kid, as often she is wise beyond her years, at the end of the day, she is still a young person trying to comprehend why she is jealous of her baby sister, instead of wanting to celebrate her newly identified skills and intelligence; we get to see the more human side of Lisa, and it’s refreshing from her being the good-know-it-all of the family. Overall, it’s good for some laughs, but also pretty relatable when it comes to sibling relationships.

Memorable Quotes:
“I’m tired. I’m hungry. Red plastic sandals are not good running-away footwear.”

“I can’t believe I’m jealous of a baby!”
“Hey, so am I! When you’re a baby, you can just spend all day rolling around on the floor. (sighs) I miss those days.”

“We’ve all learned something today. Never be something you’re not, namely food.”

“So our kids keep getting smarter. If we have another one it could build a time machine which we could use to go back in time and not have any kids.”

“Lisa’s gone, you have to find her.”
“Why can’t you just accept that Lisa is old enough to take care of herself. Back off and let her live her life.”
“But she’s only eight!”
“Oh. I thought you said eighty.”

Trash of the Titans (Season 9: Episode 22):
Did you get a Sir Loves a Lot or a Lord Huggington last Love Day?

The Simpsons celebrate “Love Day,” a new commercialized holiday created by the executives of the Costingtons department store and are left with heaps of trash after unwrapping all their gifts, toys etc which piles up significantly. Forced to take out the trash, Homer heads outside only to see the garbage truck passing the house. Homer insults the garbage men and because of his attitude and behaviour, the Simpsons’ are no longer receiving curb pickup. Garbage begins to pile up in the Simpsons’ front yard, and when it disappears, Homer thinks he won, but finds out Marge wrote an apology letter on Homer’s behalf. This frustrates Homer, who marches down to city hall and gets in an argument with Sanitation Commissioner Ray Patterson. Homer chooses to run for sanitation commissioner himself to spite Patterson and is very successful with the townspeople; at least in the beginning. Homer promises round-the-clock trash pickup and emergency cleanup service but after only a month in office, the department goes bankrupt due to the expenses of his “crazy promises”. Trash is piling up everywhere, and the townspeople want Ray Patterson back but he refuses, and Mayor Quimby is forced to move the town five miles down the road.

Why I Love It:
The Garbage Man Can is one of the catchiest Simpsons songs ever, coupled with the special appearance from U2, and so many memorable quotes and lines, this episode is incredibly entertaining from beginning to end. The comical jab at commercialism with the creation of Love Day is one of the most beloved jokes in my household, because my husband and I don’t celebrate Valentines Day. Once again we have Homer trying out a new career path when he becomes Sanitation Commissioner, and of course chaos ensues as his promises are far from realistic. The episode is just simply entertaining, yet hits a strong message home by the end of the episode about the accountability of political leaders/elected people in power and also our impact on the environment. It’s the kind of episode that makes you think about deep and important stuff without making you feel too depressed afterwards. Additionally, I think the episode is timeless; it presents us with circumstances that are relatable in every way.

Memorable Quotes:
“I never apologize, Lisa. I’m sorry, but that’s just the way I am.”

“Hold on, people! The man’s talking about waste management. That affects the whole damn planet!”
“Oh, here we go.”

“I’m Sir Love-A-Lot, the bear who loves to love!”
“They didn’t have Lord Huggington!?”
“It’s the same basic bear, Homie.”
“I guess…” (Turns away)

“What did you call us?”
“I don’t know… A lot of people yellin’ stuff…”
“Yeah, you called us trash-eating stinkbags! Didn’t you learn anything from Love Day”
“That was yesterday, moron!”

“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Can I help you?”
“Potato man.
“Where the hell have you been?”

Grift of the Magi (Season 11: Episode 9):
Fun toys are fun, and so is this episode!

While bored, Milhouse and Bart dress up in Marge’s clothing and jump on the bed; they are startled when Homer comes knocks on the door, causing Bart to fall off the bed onto a bowling ball, cracking his coccyx. Bart must wear a cast and be in a wheelchair for several weeks; at school the next day they realize that Springfield Elementary School is not equipped with the appropriate accessibility ramps for children in wheelchairs. “Valdazzo Brothers Olive Oil”, Fat Tony’s company agrees to build the ramps, which turn out to be faulty and no good; the school now owes the company $200,000 which they of course, cannot pay, and therefore Principal Skinner closes the school. The town pleas for help, going directly to wealthy Mr.Burns, but he refuses (he never liked that Dr. Stupid), but eventually Kid First Industries buys the school and privatizes it. Things aren’t what they used to be as the new teachers spend all of their time talking about toys; no learning is happening which makes Lisa very suspicious. Lisa later discovers that they are a toy company that’s just using the children for research to make a toy, through the use of hidden cameras, tape recording and clear, two-way blackboards. Soon, a new toy named Funzo appears on the TV, which is the name Lisa mutter in class; the Simpson kids rush to Kid First Industries to confront them, as Funzo has been programed to destroy other toys. Homer and the kids end up stealing everyone’s Funzos and burn them in the tire fire.

Why I Love It:
Another great concept, I enjoy the idea of a toy company bailing out a school to get free marketing ideas from the exact clientele who are going to be buying their product; also, how crazy is it to think about your elementary school going broke and being bought out by a corporation? It would be fun if once in awhile your homework was to bring in a toy or think of a cool toy, but would you want to do that all the time? This episode is incredibly entertaining as you witness the new “teachers” trying to brainstorm with the students, and of course, something just never feels quite right. Growing up with Furby, though I never owned one, I thought this episode perfectly highlighted just how unsettling and creepy those toys actually looked; and maybe they too were made to destroy other toys. I also appreciate how unconventionally Christmas this episode was, coupled with the family working together to save others from the evil toy corporation, it truly is a fun episode.

Memorable Quotes:
“Instead of giving us an education, they used us to design a toy! Aren’t you outraged?”
“Not really, but if you’re gonna throw a spaz, I’ll come with.”

“Hello, I’m Dr. Stupid! I’m going to take out your liver bones. Oops, you’re dead!”
“I never liked that Dr. Stupid.”

“Lisa in trouble? The ironing is delicious.”
“The word is irony!”

“Fun toys are fun.”
“Well said, Ralph, but we’re trying to come up with a name for a toy.”
“Mrs. Fun?
“Not bad.”
[getting angry] “Ralph, there are no right or wrong answers, but if you don’t pipe down I’m giving you an “F”!
“The before teacher yelled at me too.”
[calming down again] “No one’s yelling, we’re just brainstorming names.”

“All’s I know is I’m getting straight A’s, and that ain’t not bad.”

Well, that’s it, another five of my favourite episodes! Were any of these on your list? Is there one you love from these mid seasons that I might have missed? Don’t forget, there are another five episodes from seasons 9-16 coming up in my next blog! For the record, I would totally be okay with a Sir Loves a Lot… Thanks for reading neighborino! Smell ya later.

Finally, a Blog Post About The Simpsons (Seasons 1-8: Part 1)

Anyone who knows me outside of this blog understands how deep my passion, love, dedication and obsession is for The Simpsons. You can seldom make it through a daily conversation with me that fails to allude to or include a Simpsons reference of sorts; more often than not I’m spewing a literal word for word quotation or interaction that fits in perfectly to whatever we might be talking about. Without diving into the many reasons why I adore The Simpsons, (and have for basically all my years on this planet), I decided to list 10 of my most favourite episodes from Seasons 1-8; this is the best way to break up so many great episodes within so many great seasons! Perhaps after reading this you can take the time to go back and rewatch some of these gems on Disney+, or you know, a DVD if you’re one of us hardcore fans that collects the seasons! Either way, I’ve listed a brief synopsis of the episode as well as a brief explanation as to why I adore it so much. Insert cough gag, put your butt there, and enjoy!

You Only Move Twice (Season 8, Episode 2)
When you love something so much, it’s really hard to choose 1 thing you love most. Honestly, I get asked this question a lot: What is your absolute favourite episode of The Simpsons? Without hesitation, I always answer with this episode.

Homer is offered a job at Globex Corporation, which requires the Simpson family to move from Springfield to Cypress Creek. The family is reluctant to leave Springfield in the beginning, but soon realize Cypress Creek is much nicer than Springfield. Optimistic and excited, the Simpsons say, “So long, stinktown!” to Springfield, leaving it in their rearview mirror. Upon arriving in Cypress Creek, Homer is almost immediately greeted by his boss, Hank Scorpio (not to be called Mr. Scorpion) who seems perfect and Homer quickly falls in love with all the great things moving to Cypress Creek has offered. Alas, Homer is the only Simpson who truly loves Cypress Creek; Bart is being held back in school, Lisa is highly allergic to much of the natural surroundings in town, and Marge is bored out of her mind as the house automatically does all the housework for her. As the episode progresses, we learn that Scorpio is basically a supervillain as many hilarious and villainy-esque events occur. Ultimately, as you can suspect, the Simpsons move back to Springfield but Homer receives the Denver Broncos as a present from Scorpio as a thank you for his hard work.

Why I Love It:
Probably one of the most quotable episodes ever, You Only Move Twice, never fails to make me laugh out loud no matter how many times I watch it. I appreciate every little detail in this episode in making Mr. Scorpio a villain you love and one who makes you laugh. Mr. Scorpio is the best one time appearance character the show has ever had, and with such a great storyline you’re left wanting more Scorpio, yet you’re completely satisfied with knowing he’s continuing more villany work despite no more on-screen time. The episode also brought upon us great sub-storytelling with Bart at school and Lisa exploring the forest; how can we forget, “I come from Canada and they think I’m slow, eh.” or “I’m allergic to everything here! My nose is so stuffed up, I can’t even taste Mom’s delicious boiled celery.” All in all the episode is clever, probably the most clever in the whole series; it’s laugh-out-loud funny, while also touchingly sweet and memorable. Oh, and who could forget the “Scorpio” song? He’ll sting you with his dreams of power and wealth, beware of Scorpio!

Memorable Quotes:
“By the way Homer, what’s your least favourite country, Italy or France?”
“Hehe-Hehe- Nobody ever says Italy”

“My ass is for sitting, not for kissing”

“You don’t like these shoes; then neither do I! *throws them away* Get the hell out of here! Homer, have you ever seen a man say goodbye to a shoe before?”
“Hehe, yeah. Once.”

$pringfield (Season 5, Episode 10)
Season 5 has a lot of gems, but this one stands out to me the most.

Springfield legalizes gambling to boost the economy, and Mr. Burns opens a casino. Homer is employed at the casino as a Blackjack dealer, and Marge develops a gambling addiction after she finds a quarter on the floor of the casino and can’t find its rightful owner, plays it in the machine, and wins. Seeing the casino is all the rage with adults, Bart opens his own casino in the treehouse catered to kids. Soon, Marge is neglecting the family and spending all her time gambling; she forgets to help Lisa with her costume for the geography pageant. As the episode progresses, Mr. Burn’s becomes obsessive over germs and develops extreme paranoia. Ultimately deciding that he misses the power plant, Mr. Burns decides to return there, and after she is confronted by Homer, Marge recognizes her own gambling problem.

Why I Love It:
Apart from it’s quotability, this episode offers a different side of Homer we aren’t used to seeing. The way Homer balances work life and home life, once he realizes that Marge is dropping the ball, makes the episode all the more interesting; a role reversal of being the “responsible parent.” I appreciate the way Homer is trying so hard to be there for the family, yet find it entertaining to watch him try to master being a card dealer. Also, the way that Mr. Burns’ transforms throughout the episode is entertaining as well, and the cultural references to films like 2001: A Space Odyssey, Rain Man, and Dr. Strangelove are not lost on me. Lastly, all I ever wanted to be for Halloween after this episode aired was the state of Floreda.

Memorable Quotes:
“I’m not a state, I’m a MONSTER!”

“Homer, what is it? Slow down!”
“Think before you say each word.”
“You broke a promise to your child.”
“You promised Lisa to help her with her costume. You made her cry. Then I cried. Then Maggie laughed. She’s such a little trooper.”

“Bart, I don’t want to alarm you, but there may be a Boogeyman or Boogeymen in the house.”

“No. Nevada makes my butt look big.”

Treehouse of Horror III (Season 4, Episode 5)
The Halloween episodes are iconic on their own, and many of these episodes (divided into 3 separate short stories) would make great stand-alone episodes if given the full 22 minute runtime. Growing up, I always looked forward to the newest Halloween special; even though I’m a scaredy cat, these episodes hold a special place in my Simpsons’ heart.

The Simpsons are throwing a Halloween party for the kids of Springfield, and are trying to scare each other by taking turns telling spooky stories. The first, “Clown Without Pity” shows us that Homer forgets to buy Bart a birthday gift; he rushes out and ends up at The House of Evil where he purchases a (cursed) talking Krusty doll. Despite warning from the shopkeeper, Homer brings the doll home, and Bart is excited (yet does not know the doll is cursed). The Krusty doll ends up trying several times to kill Homer, who then buries the doll in a bottomless pit; Krusty escapes and attacks Homer in the kitchen. After calling the number on the box, it is revealed by repairman that the doll’s switch was turned to “evil.”

The second story, “King Homer” parodies the story of King Kong, where of course, Homer is the legendary ape. Marge, Mr. Burns and Mr. Smithers are on the hunt to find King Homer, but Marge is spotted by the natives living on the island and offered up to King Homer as a sacrifice. King Homer ends up falling in love with Marge, and Marge reciprocates, seeing the good in the ape. Mr. Burns is determined to capture King Homer and show him off in New York City; he is displayed on broadway until things go awry and King Homer attempts climbing the Empire State Building to escape. At the end of the episode, Marge and King Homer wed.

Lastly, “Dial Z for Zombies” starts off with Bart finding a book of spells and accidently bringing the dead back to life as he attempts to make Lisa feel better about losing Snowball I (their first cat). Zombies then terrorize Springfield, and while they break into the Simpson house, Homer sacrifices himself for the family, but the Zombies want nothing to do with Homer (brains! brains? no BRAINS!). Bart is able to lure the Zombies into Springfield Elementary where he casts another spell to banish them back to their graves.

Why I Love It:
Three very iconic Simpsons stories that leave you laughing until your belly hurts. When I think about Treehouse of Horror episodes, this one comes to mind almost instantly. As stand alone stories, these three are my favourite of all the Halloween episodes. As I mentioned above, I’m a scaredy cat, so I appreciate Halloween themed things that don’t make me lose any sleep. As I said with You Only Move Twice, I also believe that this episode is one of the most quotable episodes ever. The storytelling is clever and offers unexpected belly-laughs (cue Burns throwing the gas bomb).

Memorable Quotes:
“Take this object, but beware it carries a terrible curse…”
“Ohhhh, that’s bad.”
“But it comes with a free Frogurt!”
“That’s good.”
“The Frogurt is also cursed.”
“That’s bad.”
“But you get your choice of topping!”
“That’s good.”
“The toppings contain Potassium Benzoate.”
“That’s Bad.”
“Can I go now?”

“The doll’s trying to kill me and the toaster’s been laughing at me!”

“Alright, you big ape. Get a snootful of this gas bomb! *throws bomb at feet* “I was strolling through the Gas one day…”

“Dad, you killed the zombie Flanders!”
“He was a zombie?”

“Is this the end of Zombie Shakespeare?!”

Lisa on Ice (Season 6, Episode 8)
As a sister, so much of the dynamics of Bart and Lisa in this episode resonate with me and bring back the fondest (more hilarious) memories of my brothers and I growing up.

Lisa learns in a school assembly that she is failing Phys Ed class and is encouraged to join a sports team to up her grade. After several failed attempts at a number of different sports, it’s looking hopeless for Lisa. The family goes to watch one of Bart’s ice hockey games, and after the game Bart is making fun of Lisa’s poor athletic abilities; he shoots a puck at her and to everyone’s surprise, Lisa is able to stop the pucks with ease. This catches the attention of Apu who coaches the opposing team and asks Lisa to be their new goalie. A sibling rivalry is born, and fueled by Homer encouraging the two to be competitive with one another. After a number of back and forth bouts, the last few seconds of the final game showcase Bart and Lisa remembering all the times they looked out for one another, and they share an embrace ending the game in a tie. The fans riot in dissatisfaction and trash the arena, but Marge is ever so proud of her kids.

Why I Love It:
This episode always makes me smile because I really can relate to Bart and Lisa being so close in age and having such a complex love and hate relationship with each other. Growing up with brothers, I often fought with them over trivial things, but we also bonded over many things. The sibling dynamic between Bart and Lisa is all too real in this episode and the fact that Marge and Homer have differing opinions about how the kids should be acting during this rivalry is all too familiar. While I never played hockey in a recreational league, many times was I playing against my brothers or with friends, and almost always put in net. I don’t think I was ever as good as Lisa, but I definitely screamed just like her everytime a puck came my way. Ultimately this episode stands out as one of my favourites simply because of its familiarity and hilarity. Don’t tell me you can watch the scene with Bart and Lisa kicking air and twirling arms around fighting each other without bursting into tears with laughter.

Memorable Quotes:
“Me Fail English? That’s unpossible!”

“Oh my God, Marge. A penalty shot with only four seconds left. It’s your child versus mine! The winner will be showered with praise; the loser will be taunted and booed until my throat is sore!”

“I asked for Ketchup! I’m eating salad here.”
“I won’t have any aggressive condiment passing in this house!”

“I don’t care who started it. I don’t ever want to see you two fighting like that ever again. We love you both: you’re not in competition with each other! Repeat: you are not in competition with each other!”
“Hey! Apu just called. This Friday, Lisa’s team is playing Bart’s team. You’re in direct competition. And don’t go easy on each other just because you’re brother and sister. I want to see you both fighting for your parents’ love! (Flicks light on and off.) Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!”

Homer at Bat (Season 3, Episode 16):
What could be better than Simpsons and Baseball?

The Nuclear Power Plant workers sign up for the company softball team, despite the previous years lacking success. Despite the team’s record, Homer is excited as he crafts up his Wonder Bat made from a fallen tree branch that was struck by lightning during a thunderstorm. The team ends up having great success and makes it to the playoffs. Skeptical, but eager for a championship, Mr. Burns makes a bet with the rival team’s owner and to ensure a victory insists that Mr. Smithers rally together professional baseball players. Burns hires several MLB stars to play on the team, but must disguise them as everyday power plant employees. In addition, Burns hires a hypnotist to train the team, but soon enough all the major league players succumb to misfortunes that rule them unable to play in the final game; except for Darryl Strawberry. With the score tied and bases loaded, Burns actually puts Homer into the game who gets so distracted by Burns signals at bat, that he gets knocked out by the pitch. The team wins the game!

Why I Love It:
The idea of Homer making a homemade bat and it being the main reason the team has such success in the regular season resonates with so many of us who played sports or participated in any activity and had a lucky object or item that we believed brought us success; whether it was a lucky pair of underwear, having to wear a certain number, or pre-game rituals, I think we’ve all had a special thing that has made us feel more confident in our successes. If not, that’s cool too! Anyway, I simply enjoy the blending of major league players in with everyday Springfield folk and truly felt that each player brought something different to the team and episode. It was refreshing (and down right funny) to see how these stars would act in normal day to day activities and decisions; Jose Canseco saving the family (and the appliances) from a house fire for example. Not to sound like a broken record, but this episode is also filled with many quotes I found myself continuously repeating and fitting into everyday life, like when you’re friends’ sideburns are really distracting you from carrying out your everyday activities. Lastly, I question the character of anyone who doesn’t sing along when the “Talkin’ Softball” song comes on at the end of the episode.

Memorable Quotes:
“Mattingly, I thought I told you to TRIM those sideburns? GO HOME! You’re OFF the team, FOR GOOD!”

“I will give 100 percent.”
“That’s impossible. No one can give more than 100 percent. By definition that is the most anyone can give.”

“It’s like there’s a party in my mouth, and everyone’s invited!”

“Well, are you better than me?”
“Well, I’ve never met you, but… yes.”

Okay folks, that’s the part 1 of what is going to be many parts of my blog about The Simpsons. What do you think of the first 5 episodes I’ve picked so far? Do you think any of these are the “WORST.EPISODE.EVER.” or do you agree with my picks? Remember, these are just 5 of my most favourite episodes from Seasons 1-8; I am not only missing the latter 5, but there were several additional iconic episodes I left out. If anyone needs me I’ll be at Moe’s! Smell ya, later…

A 2010s Sendoff: Recapping the Last 10 Years (Part 4):

The beginning of 2017 started off in the most beautiful way; a dear friend of mine (whom I consider my un-biological little sister) was getting married! The whole day was lovely, and the spirit of joy, love and happiness kept us all warm throughout the -25 degree Celcius temperatures. I was honoured to be part of their special day and continue to have these people in my life! In January, I also started a second job, working as a mentor and tutor. I stepped out of my comfort zone this year and completed my first ever paint nite and got creative at Creative Cafe; before this time, I did not enjoy art and always felt I was very bad at it. This year, I also went ice skating for the first time in over 10 years for my brother’s birthday, and later would take up snowshoeing as well. It was shaping up to be a year of new adventures!

Early 2017 was also when I made the decision to quit my job. After more than 4 years, it was one of – if not the most- difficult decisions I have ever made for a number of reasons. For starters, I didn’t have a new full-time job lined up to replace it, so I felt a little unprepared and uneasy about not having the same income flow coming in. Additionally, I had invested so much time and energy into the company, it felt like a breakup. What was the most important note here was the overall feeling I had about work; I always pride myself on working hard and learning new skills etc., and while my career or job didn’t necessarily define me, it was crucial for me that it always be something I enjoyed and felt benefited me not just financially. My job was not only feeling stagnant, but I was also feeling run down and was dreading coming into work every day. I never had anything positive to say about my workday, and I was feeling incredibly stuck. I knew this wasn’t healthy and it wasn’t going to get any better, so I had to remove myself from the situation. I was sad, relieved, excited, nervous, and optimistic all at once. As soon as I spoke to my boss and explained everything about how I was feeling and why I was leaving, I felt an immense weight lifted off my shoulders, so while there was still a few unknowns about what was next for my career, I was surprisingly okay with letting things shape themselves out.

One of the big highlights of 2017 was celebrating 30th birthdays for some very important people; first up was an incredible weekend in Ottawa filled with wine tastings and hockey! Too many laughs, too many jokes, too much 80s music and too much wine! It was truly one of the most fun weekends ever, and I know that the birthday man enjoyed himself to the fullest. A few weeks later, I surprised my best friend with a trip to Las Vegas to watch the Backstreet Boys Larger Than Life concert. The timing was perfect not only for us to get a trip in as best friends, but with having such a great kick-off to new beginnings with work. While we were only in Vegas for a few days, we jampacked those days will lots of site seeing, selfies, walking the strip, lounging at the pool, and ending off with the phenomenal BSB concert. Celebrating her 29th birthday in Vegas was surely a top 5 moment for the decade!

Spring 2017 graced me with the opportunity to begin working with family, as I started my job as an Executive Assistant for my brother and sister-in-law’s real estate business. While I was no stranger to working with family, I was intrigued to learn more about the world of real estate and gain new skills while sharpening those I had been working on with each new job title. A year in the 2010s wouldn’t be the same without another concert thrown in the mix, a few more paint nites, boardgame nights, exploring provincial parks, cottage weekends, and road trips. This year, I celebrated my birthday with a few close friends in Niagara Falls where we did a day-long wine tour visiting five different wineries. With a load of great experiences encompassing the first half of the year, Summer 2017 was shaping up to be nothing short of amazing!

Summer brought about cherry-picking trips, WWE live events, high-tea afternoons, more birthday celebrations for friends and close family, engagements, my first ever Vegan Fest, the CNE, a few more Blue Jays games, and to no one’s surprise, a treetop trek or two! Additionally, I got to experience yet another incredible Coldplay concert in Toronto. It was this year that I was asked to be part of two incredible weddings for the upcoming year as a Matron of Honour and the Best Woman, but more on that in 2018s post!

My best friend and I also ventured off to Chicago this summer to watch the Blue Jays on the road and check out the city! We saw the “bean” while walking around downtown Chicago, rode the sky wheel, ate a lot of deep-dish pizza, sat on a boat tour, and learned so much about the city’s skyscrapers and architecture. Chicago was an amazing city that offered so many perfect little shops and delectable snacks, definitely, a highlight was the popcorn shop and the little cupcake storefront. I am so thankful for another amazing road trip with my bestie.

Autumn brought another successful Client Appreciation Party for the Lucia Faria Real Estate Team, another Jays game or two, and a lovely girl’s weekend away in Blue Mountain. Of course, we continued to celebrate Halloween with our annual bash, followed by a wine tasting night-in, and a few attempts at karaoke and rockband – I didn’t say they were successful ones, but they sure were a hell-of-a-lot-of fun! A few more birthday celebrations were thrown into the mix, including some kids, as well as more creative afternoons at the cafe, and yes, a lovely tea-time double date as the year came to a close. Oh, and yes, another Star Wars movie in December – Star Wars VII: The Last Jedi. We hosted a family Christmas as well as another wonderful Friendship Christmas and said goodbye to 2017 and hello 2018 at the 80s themed New Year’s Eve party! No further commentary necessary, 2017 was superb!

Before I even dive into the goodness that was all of 2018, I just have to mention how overcome with gratitude and joy I am as I look back at all the marvellous and incredible experiences and events that have taken place this decade. So many times we often think about our life as being busy and chaotic, it can take a while before we see that in the midst of all that, there are so many phenomenal things happening. While I’ve been sitting here writing this 2010s sendoff I am truly blessed. I value all of my experiences throughout the years and appreciate how I have been able to keep balance in my life. I am thankful that those relationships I’ve worked so hard to maintain are still intact, and hope that those who have come into my life recently can be met with the same fate for the next decade and beyond. Now let’s jump right into 2018 because baby, it’s a thrill ride.

The earliest days of 2018 consisted of birthday celebrations for family members and friends alike, royal celebrations, and classy high tea afternoons. There were wedding plans in the works and without doubt, a permanent glow in our hearts for all the love and happy times ahead for the next twelve months.

This year, I got to experience what some may argue was more than 10 years in the making, and that was a friends’ group vacation. At the end of January, a group of 8 of us jetted off to Panama for a week of fun in the sun. Without a doubt, this trip was an iconic milestone not only for the decade but for our timeline of friendship. Most of us on the trip had been friends for more than 10 years already and had never experienced a shared moment like this before. The trip started out as a way for us to celebrate the soon to be bride and groom in lieu of bachelor and bachelorette parties but soon became so much more. Coordinating the schedules of 8 people can be difficult, but we made it work and were able to have arguably one of the best weeks ever in hot, beautiful, Panama. Apart from everyday pleasures like lounging poolside, we partook in tours of Panama City (old and new), got to see the Panama Canal, visited a natural waterfall, played far too much BINGO, and consumed copious amounts of delicious food and thirst-quenching beverages; jungle juice anyone?

After Panama, it was full-on wedding planning mode as I assisted the soon-to-be-married couples with tasks like dress and suit shopping, mailing out invitations, and other wedding details. In early 2018, a few friends were celebrating the milestone 30th birthday; from dance parties to medieval times, there was so much to celebrate! Spring meant it was time to practice that golf swing and discuss the upcoming nuptials over some tea or wine. There was also a surprise Mad Hatter Tea Party Bridal shower thrown into the mix!

Next to Panama, another milestone vacation happened in May as we piled into a Jeep Cherokee and began an epic road trip to Myrtle Beach. Like Panama, this trip was long overdue as the three of us had been friends since 2007 and our trio, forever coined as Hydra, had never experienced a getaway together. With 1/3 of Hydra marrying that fall, it was a celebration of many things, but most importantly, friendship. Through all the hills and valleys, BNL and Billy Joel’s greatest hits albums, and 80s music alike on repeat, we had a super fun journey that week. Apart from late afternoons at the beach, we played a round or two of golf (both actual and mini), took in a wine tour, visited the pier and sky wheel, and truly indulged in some phenomenal food. On a side note, we also partook in a heartbreaking playoff loss by the Toronto Raptors, but watching the game on Cinco de Mayo was memorable for sure. That trip created so many memories that we all will hold onto for years to come, most definitely!

Upon returning home from Myrtle, I kicked off Summer with another great concert as well as going to see the theatrical production of Chicago. In June, I turned 30 and since celebrating my birthday is always special to me, it was no surprise that a milestone like 30 would be any different. I was blessed with being able to throw a carnival themed party with all my friends and family present. Life’s a Circus was such a fitting theme for everything that happened to me in my 20s but in the best way. I’m always looking for fun, adventure, good eats and games, so I couldn’t have selected a better theme to sum up my life!

Before long, it was July and prior to the wedding of our Best Couple Friends Ever, there was another birthday or two to celebrate, as well as a baby shower for dear friends of ours who were expecting their first child later on in the year. As I’ve explained in other blog posts, this year was a very special one when it came to weddings. July was the first of three weddings to which I would have the honour in attending; two of which I was blessed to be part of the wedding party and partake in all the behind-the-scenes moments of love and joy as the couples became wed. Our friends Mark and Lyndsay were married on the 21st of July and my husband and I were the Best Man and Matron of Honour. The love we have for those two people cannot be put into words, and that was truly one of the best days of my life as we got to celebrate them in such a wonderful way. You could not ask for two better souls and humans to end up together, and for such an amazing tightly bonded group of friends to celebrate their love as a couple.

There was a two-week break before the next wedding, and it included another birthday celebration as well as a trip to Ottawa where we got to do an escape room in the Difenbunker Museum and visit some iconic landmarks within the city. On August 4th, we celebrated the wedding day of another one of my best friends, on what was another beautiful day and cherished moment. Again, it was a day filled with joy, love and happiness as my best friend wed his beautiful bride. Closing out the summer with a Blue Jays game and a girls’ day at the beach, as well as some family BBQs, it was time to prepare for the closing quarter of 2018.

In September, my husband and I became a 3x Aunt and Uncle as our nephew Oscar was born. With the last preparations for the Annual Client Appreciation Party completed for work, I was able to focus all of my attention on my upcoming Best Woman duties, as the last of the 2018 weddings would soon be taking place. It was time to revisit North Bay for what would be the best reason, as our friends were going to get married! If you’ve been following my blog, you know there was a special post dedicated to this wedding and the importance it held to me as a milestone mark in the friendship I have with the groom. Apart from North Bay being nostalgic for so many reasons, a new mark was about to be left on the city and in our hearts forever. There were so many iconic places to fit in our schedule with so little time, but we did what we could: a hike to the falls, a meal or two at Burger World, a campus tour, and one last Thursday evening at Cecil’s. With the last of the wedding details out of the way and the rehearsal dinner over, we spent late Friday night doing what we do best; sharing stories, hopes, laughs, filming vlogs that are way too long for anyone else’s interest, and celebrating the groom. The day of the wedding was a great one, with the highlight being the time we got to spend getting the groom ready and just being our trio in the simplest and best way possible; and the rest of the day was filled with just as many laughs and filled with just as much love!

With four very important people in my life now all married, how was the rest of 2018 going to shape up? Autumn traditions continued, like the Lucia Faria Team Client Appreciation Party, our Annual Halloween bash, and exploring more beautiful parks. There was also a bridal shower for a dear friend who would get married at the beginning of 2019, as well as more great birthdays for our nephews! We would once again host our family for Christmas, and continue the tradition of Friendship Christmas for the 4th year in a row. 2018 was filled with immense amounts of love, joy and celebrations. It was a year that planted deeper roots in existing relationships and deepened my understanding of my place in the hearts of those whom I care for deeply. With so many people in my life going through milestones of their own, 2018 was a year of profound growth and emotion. While it was surely one of the best years of the decade, 2018 was quite emotional for me, but in an overall positive way. I was truly invested in the happiness and love of others more so than ever before, and it was quite exhilarating.

This is it! The last year of the decade. It’s funny how at the beginning of the year, I wasn’t at all emphasizing the fact that this would be the last year of an iconic decade. So much happened between 2010 to 2019 that it was baffling to think that if any year was going to truly send off the decade, that 2019 would be it. If writing this 2010s sendoff has shown me anything, its the truth in the notion that it is the little moments that make life amazing. My 2010s look so different in the eyes of others, and while I may have looked back on a year at its end and thought “damn, I’m glad that’s over” I can truly say that no year was simply 365 days of limbo before getting to a “better” path or part of my life. Each and every experience shaped me in a different way, and without sounding super cliche, they were all necessary and as unfortunate as some events may be, they were bound to happen eventually. Without further ado, let’s recap 2019.

In January, I got to celebrate the winter wedding of a long-time friend, and truly it was a beautiful day filled with excitement and joy. Weeks before her wedding, we attended a classy bachelorette party in her honour and also celebrated a few friends’ birthdays. After a busy 2018 year of weddings, it was still an honour to have a small part in her special day by reading at her mass. The whole day was loads of fun and a great celebration all around. A few days later, my bestie and I would be southbound once again for another incredible Disney World vacation! For the first time, we would be staying on Disney property at Coronado Springs. I won’t go into much detail about this trip because I actually blogged about each day in their own separate posts, so look for that on my homepage! To sum it up, it was magical and wonderful, despite the temperature dropping and me coming down with a brutal sinus infection by the end of the trip. Regardless, it was a great way to kick off 2019.

My husband and I took a couples spa day at Scandinavian Spa in Collingwood, and I enjoyed my first ever relaxation massage. There were more birthday celebrations, board game afternoons and evenings, as well as more creative afternoons at the cafe. 2019 was surely the year of golf, as I hit the links numerous times with my friend KJ, with a few pars here and there to celebrate! Avengers Assembled for the End Game, and some of us mourned the death of Thanos while others applauded. There were also some housewarming get-togethers as well as a girls’ day at the spa. My nephew had his First Communion and the Raptors were making history with a clinch of the East and were in the NBA finals. If it feels like I am lacking some details with some of these events it’s only because I have blogged a few of these moments in further details in previous entries, so look back if you’re interested…

To celebrate turning 31, I played laser tag with some friends and enjoyed a great meal, and I also went treetop trekking with my best friend and had dinner with my family! Days later, the Toronto Raptors would become NBA champions and I cried so much that day, you’d have thought that I was an NBA champion. Summer 2019 brought on more epic films, as Toy Story 4 hit theatres. I continued to work on my golf swing, with many awesome days out on the green and took time to slow down and enjoy the little things like beach days with friends. Summer also brought about another career change as I quit my tutoring and mentoring job and would soon get the opportunity to start a career with Georgian College. It wouldn’t really be summer without a road trip or two, as well as some exploring of our provincial parks. My best friend got her first apartment, and we were able to help her move in, and later celebrate with a little apartment warming party. The first half of the year brought upon a lot of greatness, yet with calmness because time didn’t feel like it was flying by and this was a nice feeling.

Autumn brought us another fantastic Client Appreciation Party for the Lucia Faria Real Estate Team, as well as a lovely ladies’ weekend at the spa in Collingwood. Our fifth Annual Halloween Party was a blast, as usual, and I got to visit North Bay again to take in some Grand Slam Curling with a good friend. The year was winding down, but there was still fun to be had. A few more birthday celebrations thrown into the mix, more board game nights, as well as revisiting some escape room adventures. In November, my husband and I were hit by a car one evening by someone who failed to come to a stop at the stop sign. While our car was written off, we walked away from the incident with minor injuries, but I would spend the remaining months of 2019 in physiotherapy with a hairline fracture in my tailbone and a torn muscle in my neck and shoulder area. All things considered, we were very lucky, but would begin shopping for a new vehicle once we felt up to it. In the meantime, I was really enjoying my time at Georgian and continued to split my days between the campus, the Lucia Faria Team, and my SweetLegs side business.

Here we are, at the end of 2019 and what a decade it has been. Our nephews turned 8 years old, Hobbes turned 4, and we bought a brand new vehicle. The last of the Star Wars movies came out this year, Star Wars IX: The Rise of Skywalker, and I partook in a Dr. Seuss experience in the city. Another wonderful Friendship Christmas took place, and the last day of the decade is here! It’s fitting that I write the last few sentences of this blog as there are mere hours remaining of such an incredibly memorable decade. I’ve never been the type to make resolutions, but my wish for 2020 and the decade ahead is that it is full of lessons, experiences and adventures that are both new and old so that I can continue to value them and the people involved. As 2020 approaches, my husband and I celebrate not only 5 years married, but also 15 years of togetherness. Through all of these moments mentioned in this blog, I have been truly blessed to share them all with him and knowing that he will always be there alongside me. And lastly, thank you to everyone reading this blog, but also to all those who have been part of my life this decade, and beyond. My heart is full, as is my head with beautiful, wonderful, magical, inspiring, amazing memories, moments and milestones. See you on, the other side!

A 2010s Sendoff: Recapping the Last 10 Years (Part 3):

I’m biased when I say that this was the best year of the decade, but that’s truly how I feel. This year was jam-packed with fun, adventures, celebrations, love and pure epicness. 2015 began with a few more snowboarding sessions, gameboard days turning into nights, and many things wedding- like saying “yes to the dress” after only trying on a few! March Madness included celebrating group birthdays, finding bridesmaids’ dresses, catching a concert or two and some Raptors’ games (we even got to meet Damon Stoudamire). Time was flying by, but it’s no surprise with so many wonderful events happening, and the biggest party of the summer was going to go down in a few short months.

In Spring, there was an epic paintball adventure for a good friend’s bachelorette party, followed by a menu tasting for my wedding with family, a getaway to Port Carling to visit our best friends, more attempts at golf, another concert (or two), and suit shopping with the groomsmen for our wedding. It wouldn’t be the 2010s without a few more Blue Jays games, and wedding season was officially on with my cousin’s wedding in June. June also meant another wonderful birthday celebration, as well as my brother’s graduation, exploring new provincial parks, and a dress fitting or two.

One month to go before our wedding, July began with the most amazing bachelorette weekend ever; I truly could not have asked for or planned a weekend that was so much fun. I headed to Niagara Falls with some of my favourite gal pals for three days of laughs, love and adventure. My BFF and my MOH (Maid of Honour) planned a night of interactive party games, followed up a full day of an Amazing Race style scavenger hunt that had two teams racing all up, down and around Niagara Falls, and closing it out with a superb dinner and night of dancing! Anyone who knows me, knows that I am near impossible to surprise, and being such a planner, to have someone take over all control of planning my bachelorette party was difficult for me, but she truly hit a grand slam home-run with that weekend! Truly one of the best weekends of my life. Believe it or not, I was totally brought to tears that weekend, not only because I was given a special keepsake scrapbook with messages and photos from all my gal pals, but in all reality, growing up with so many guy friends, I never thought that I would have so many amazing ladies in my life to call my good friends and celebrate my bachelorette with me; oh and facetiming my cousin/bridesmaid in Newfoundland in the weekend also made me cry; another rare sight.

It was finally August which means we were days away from our wedding. Most of the days leading up to the wedding were pretty standard stuff: pick up the dress, pick up the suits, drop off the centerpieces to the flourist, get the rehearsal done, then contain your excitement for the biggest party of the summer! My husband and I are truly blessed because no two people could have felt more love on our wedding day than the two of us; its cliche but it’s true. Being together for almost 10 years by our wedding, everyone had built-up excitement and enthusiasm for our big day. With all the “you’re finally getting married” lines out of the way, our wedding was also a great opportunity for my family to get together and celebrate something wonderful; for the first time in years both my mom’s and dad’s sides of the family were under the same roof, laughing, smiling and catching up. Walking into the hall, you could feel all the joy, love, and positive emotions in the room, and it’s a feeling I will never forget. August 15th 2015 was a scorcher day, weather wise, so thank goodness for an indoor wedding venue and an open-bar! We celebrated our wedding day with about 175 friends and family, ate way too much delicious food, and drank all the thirst quenching beverages in sight! When the clock struck midnight we ate a little more and continued to dance the late night away. The next day, we travelled to Great Wolf Lodge in Niagara Falls for a little post-wedding getaway with our wedding party; our best and closest friends supported us so much through our entire relationship and the wedding planning process we wanted to thank them but also celebrate an extra special way with them for getting us married. Incase you couldn’t tell, we’re big kids at heart so waterslides and hanging out playing games is an ideal weekend for us; we had an absolute blast!

In Fall 2015 there was no slowing down, as two of our dear friends would also be tying the knot; one in September and another in October. There was also another successful Client Appreciation Party thrown by my brother and sister-in-law for their real estate business clients; which started in 2013 and was growing in numbers each year. Round out October with another concert, and what would become an annual tradition Halloween bash at our house! November brought upon a new apartment warming party for our friends, and yes, another road trip to Ottawa where we’d discover a hidden gem winery and the epic Diefenbunker museum. We cannot forget those epic board game nights too.

Just when you thought 2015 couldn’t possibly fit any more epicness into it, Star Wars was back in theatres for the first time in 10 years! Star Wars Episode VII: The Force Awakens was released and really, the force awoke in almost everyone; what an exciting time! We closed out the year with what would become another annual tradition: Friendship Christmas. With the decade half over, it was difficult to picture what other events might occur that would be as life changing as the last few years. 2015 was one of the happiest years of my life, so 2016 had some pretty big shoes to fill. It was unlikely that it would match that bar but it came pretty close.

Most of 2016 started off with the same likeness as 2015; much snowboarding and game nights and new experiences like escape rooms! In February, Jeff and I would visit Ochi Rios, Jamaica for our honeymoon in what would be the most pampered and relaxing experience of my life; I am forever thankful for how astounding that vacation was! A honeymoon really is a once in a lifetime experience, and having a private pool, butler service and such amazing food and drink at our fingertips was overwhelming, but in a good way! In addition to relaxing poolside and at the beach, we were able to visit Dunns River for the day. Our honeymoon was wonderful because we got to spend time away from everyday life and we got to do it together; a nice reminder to slow down and take in the little moments. Taking our honeymoon 6 months after our actual wedding was also a great refresher of those exciting feels you get on your wedding day!

After our honeymoon, Jeff and I visited the humane society and picked out a new furry friend to bring home. Initially we were told this adorable little white and grey kitty was a girl, so we named her Zelda; my husband is a huge Legend of Zelda fan. A week later when we took Zelda to the vet, we found out that Zelda was actually a boy. For a day or two, The Cat Formally Known as Zelda had no new name, but eventually we decided on Hobbes; like the comic strip Calvin and Hobbes. I was so overjoyed to have a cat back in my life, and to this day we love and adore Hobbes dearly.

Spring 2016 brought on live wrestling events, another concert or two, some treetop trekking, another Raptors playoff run, more exploring of our provincial parks, a friend’s baby shower, and an epic archery tag birthday party for yours truly! I was also asked to be a bridesmaid in my dear friends wedding, which was going to be in January 2017, so there were a handful of bridal preparations throughout this year that I was helping the bride-to-be get checked off her list. A few days after my birthday, my best friend and I took a road trip to Philadelphia, Pennsylvania to catch the Blue Jays on the road, but also partake in some American history. I love road trips because they bring out some of the best conversations, carpool karaoke sessions, and just an overall grand adventure you’ll remember for a lifetime. Being history majors, we adored how rich in history Philadelphia was from the liberty bell, to Independence Hall, and the National Constitution Centre, and Eastern State Penitentiary, much fun was had! Yes, we climbed those famous Rocky-steps up the museum, and of course we indulged in some Philly Cheesesteak! The Jays games were blast; ballpark food is out of this world in the States, and we may have fallen in love with the Phillie Phanatic. If you’ve never been to Philadelphia, I highly recommend it!

Summer kicked off with my brother’s wedding, a cottage bachelorette weekend for my dear friend, more outdoor adventures at some provincial parks, continued treetop trekking adventures, friends’ having babies, another round of Rogers’ Cup tennis, and cottage weekends. For the first time in forever, we got to spend the long-weekend away at the cottage with friends, and oh what laughs were had! Truly a great little getaway with some really amazing people. A cousin’s wedding would close out the summer, as would some natural rock climbing adventures; note to anyone wanting to try this- it’s quite an experience but it definitely takes a toll on your body- especially if you do not exercise or climb regularly; worth a try though if you love outdoor adventures.

Before I go on any further about the wonderful things that continued to happen in 2016, I would like to take a moment and touch upon the other things going on in my life at this time. Having been at my job for about four years now, I had taken on much more responsibility with every passing school year and it was beginning to take its toll on me. Long work days followed by after hours phone calls from staff, coupled with continuous lack of staff to cover programs had me stretched out pretty thin attempting to do my job in addition to that of the front-line staff who were either ill, needed time off or were practically non-existent. I enjoy being challenged in the workplace and I face new responsibilities with a positive attitude, but day in and day out of the same constant problems with no support from head office to help our small team was equal parts physically and emotionally draining. While I adored my supervisors very much, we were all under a great deal of stress trying to juggle all the roles, paperwork, staff and parents that were knocking at our door each day. The circumstances of my career took a toll on me because I didn’t want to walk away from a challenge and I was learning so much valuable experience and skill set that could never be taught in a classroom. More importantly, I wasn’t sure where I would go next if I left the company; although I was a teacher by trade, I was certain that going back on the supply list or being in the classroom wasn’t exactly what I wanted. I took much of 2016 as a chance to think more clearly about what would be next for me as a career, but more on that later!

September 2016 was another magical time because I would return to Walt Disney World with my best friend and a good friend of ours from Nipissing who moved overseas would be joining us! We ventured to Epcot for the Food and Wine Festival, indulging in delicious food from all over the world throughout the World Showcase exhibit. We met a ton of characters in Magic Kingdom, took a Jungle Cruise, ate lunch with the friends from the Hundred Acre Woods, and visited Animal Kingdom for the first time! The highlight of our trip was Mickey’s Not So Scary Halloween Party, which was an after-dark event at Magic Kingdom where all guests could dress up and go trick-or-treating throughout the park, meet villains and ride some attractions! We dressed up as the Aliens from Toy Story; so many people loved our costumes, especially Buzz Lightyear. Such a magnificent vacation it was, especially because it would be the last time I would see my friend from overseas for a long time!

The closing months of 2016 included our second annual Halloween Party, a few more board game nights, escape rooms, and more frequent hockey games where my nephew was the star player! A wine and cheese night was thrown into the mix, as was a bridal shower/fiesta for the January bride-to-be, another road trip to Ottawa, and yes- another Star Wars story (Rogue One). Last but not least, a lovely Friendship Christmas was had, followed by a pajama party New Years Eve. 2016 had some big shoes to fill, and all things considered, it didn’t disappoint. The year continued to strengthen many bonds made years prior, while introducing some new people into my life as well. Friends of mine were starting or growing their families, and changes were brewing! With my dear friends wedding mere days away, I was excited for all that 2017 would bring even if it was a tad scary! Stay tuned…

A 2010s Sendoff: Recapping the Last 10 Years (Part 2):

Picking up where I left off in the last post, the beginning of 2013 was an emotional rollercoaster. Positively, my best friend and I had applied to be on the first season of The Amazing Race Canada, and to our surprise and excitement, we were making it through the few first rounds of casting. I vividly remember sitting in Swiss Chalet one evening running over the final details of the next round of casting forms and information. This moment was so exciting, as we had been fans of the original version of the show for so long, but it was also a little scary for me; if we were selected, it would mean leaving for 4 months, and as I mentioned previously, my Dad was becoming very sick by this time. In fact, my Dad spent almost the whole month of January in the hospital and would pass away on February 5th.

The first half of 2013 was truly a whirlwind; everything seemed to be happening so fast, yet some moments appeared to stop time. February was both the longest and shortest month of my life; the responsibility that comes with what to do when someone passes away is a long list of formalities, yet you’re also supposed to find the time to grieve. It’s a feeling I still can’t quite articulate perfectly. For me, it was really hard having so many people check up on you all the time, as mostly you end up sounding like a record stuck repeating the same few lines or phrases with every “Is there anything I can do for you?” or “How are you feeling today?” – what are we really supposed to say to people when something like this happens? Losing someone you love is always difficult and the time between my Dad getting really sick and dying was so short, it took me months and months to really process and let myself take the time to understand what had really happened. The fact that I had lost two important people in my life, less than 6 months apart, also made all of this quite difficult to navigate.

The next few months would bring about some exhilarating moments. Jeff and I would buy a house and test out our interior design skills by picking out all the little details from cabinetry to countertops and everything in between. A good friend of ours held a special dinner at their culinary school and it was such an honour to see all his hard work. Spring 2013 also had a trip to Ottawa with some friends to take in a Leafs vs Sens hockey game, The Killers’ concert, and a North Bay reunion. In June 2013 I had my 25th birthday and celebrated by ziplining and throwing one last party/get-together at the house before it sold. Summer was filled with more concerts, camping, the pop-up history of video gaming museum, rafting, wonderland, live wrestling events, and a friends’ wedding! By September 2013, I was offered a promotion at work and would be moving to a new office with new responsibilities; it was exciting and a tad scary to be moving in a bit of a different direction from being in a classroom, but it was definitely the right move.

2013 would close out with a Housewarming, one more trip to Ottawa for hockey, and taking in Les Miserables in Toronto. It probably goes without saying, but despite some great moments, I was ready to see all that 2014 would bring; and boy was it pretty damn great.

Starting off much better than 2013, I had high hopes for 2014. In March, Jeff and I would be getting the keys to our brand new home and would be homeowners for the first time; all that time picking and choosing finishes and the little details would come to life in a place to call our own. It was thrilling and we were looking forward to living in a new town and having new beginnings. In early 2014 I was reunited with a snowboard, and thanks to my best friend, I felt comfortable relearning the proper way to ride. Alas, another house(apartment)warming, and a few more concerts. We were so thankful to be able to host two housewarming parties at our new home: one with our family which our two close friends as chefs prepared, and a second one with all of our closest friends. That year, the Raptors were in the playoffs and we were lucky enough to score tickets to one of the games. That spring, there was treetop trekking, more concerts, like Avicii, and even more treetop trekking. Sadly, we found out our cat Tyson had cancer, and most of 2014 was tough on him and us but we tried to make the most of it and make him as comfortable as possible. Tyson would, in fact, pass away in late August.

2014 was shaping up to be loads of fun, with every weekend bringing on some type of fun and adventure; I remember so vividly all the joyous times and memories I made that year, and it would only get better. As I’ve mentioned in other blog posts, I truly love celebrating my birthday; it’s a day I feel so special and loved and I never tire of making the most of the day and 2014 was no different. With much surprise and excitement, Jeff proposed to me the evening of my birthday. I was returning home from going out for dinner with my family, but Jeff was working later that night and couldn’t join us. When I got home, he had a card and gift ready but insisted on playing me one of my favourite Coldplay songs on the guitar first. As he finished playing, he asked me to read the card, and when I finished, down was Jeff with the box with the beautiful ring inside. Despite us being together for 9 years at that time, I was still surprised, but in the best way! Truly the best birthday to date. A few days later, we’d celebrate my birthday with friends where most of them found out the news.

Summer 2014 featured a few family weddings, more treetop trekking, the Canada Day Blue Jays game, concerts like One Direction and Linkin Park, oh and visiting our friends in Port Carling where we would fish, go golfing for the first time ever and have sushi, and Rogers Cup!

In the fall of 2014, I had the trip of a lifetime, as I was able to visit Walt Disney World with my best friend; it was a dream come true, as I always dreamed of visiting Disney World. While in Florida, we were able to visit Universal Studios, as well as two Disney parks: the Magic Kingdom and Hollywood Studios. It was a jam-packed week but absolutely amusing and amazing. At Universal, Simpson Land was definitely a highlight for me, as were the parades and taking photos with characters like Optimus Prime. There was so much to be thrilled about at Disney World; it was incredible meeting so many characters but also seeing how so many of my beloved stories came to life. Highlights included meeting Gaston (arguably one of the most spot-on characters at Disney), getting stuck on the Seven Dwarves Mine Train Ride, and eating at the themed restaurants and snack bars (i.e. Pizza Planet). I truly had the trip of my dreams, and I couldn’t wait to plan the next one. Oh, and in case you were curious or keeping track, that year Michael and I weren’t supposed to eat bread and cheese but I was allowed a free pass so I would be able to have a Krusty Burger and Pizza Planet meal while on my vacation.

2014 would close out with more trekking adventures, a North Bay reunion, boardgame nights, a semi-surprise birthday bash for Jeff, snowboarding nights, oh and a fun work Christmas party and New Year’s Eve bash. All in all, 2014 was fantastic and full of fun, laughs and adventure. Looking back, despite losing Tyson, 2014 was definitely the recharge of light and energy I needed after such a whirlwind of emotions and changes brought on by 2012/2013. I can easily say that 2014 was one of the best years of the decade.

Prepare yourselves for the next blog because 2015 was EPIC!

A 2010s Sendoff: Recapping the Last 10 Years (Part 1):

It’s been far too long since my last blog, and I was waiting for the right kind of topic to get my writing juices flowing once again! I figured that with the New Year (and decade) around the corner, now was a great time to stop and take some time to reflect upon some of the many different things life threw at me over the past ten years. A lot can happen in a decade, and a lot did happen this decade! The 2010s brought on many changes, opportunities, losses and gains, adventures, challenges, friends, upsets, and through all of it, a greater sense of myself. I surely can’t recap everything, but I’ve compiled a good list of highlights within this blog post; for clarity sake, I am recapping in chronological order by year, but will break it down into a few blog posts. So let’s send off the 2010s with a stroll down memory lane.


At the beginning of the decade, I was in my 4th year at Nipissing University deeply invested in my final term research papers for History. This was a bitter-sweet year because many of my friends would be graduating, and while some of them would be back for teacher’s college in the fall, the frequency in which we would see each other would diminish greatly due to placements and changing class schedules. This was also the last year that I would live with my best friend, as she was graduating in June and starting at a new school in September. Despite 4th year being quite academically heavy, my friends and I arguably spent the most time out-and-about at Cecil’s on Thursday nights, or exploring everything that North Bay had to offer, and making the most out of birthday celebrations. We made a lot of memories that year; it was the last semester with the gang all together at school and when you’re young, you hold onto those moments for as long as you can! The winter semester of 2010 was loads of fun, and Convocation meant that the new decade meant shifting into full-blown adult mode!

With school out until September, it was time to catch up with friends from back home, and work a ridiculous amount of hours- I had 3 jobs that summer plus a few weeks of teaching practicum in the spring – but still tried my best to have a life! My Mom was visiting from British Columbia, I was helping direct a school play, Jose Bautista was a Toronto Blue Jay, and we had to arrive at the theatre an hour or more before any blockbuster film to ensure that we’d get optimal seats, and that we’d all sit together; Iron Man 2 was in theatres that summer. I had the opportunity to experience a few concerts too, including Michael Buble and Rob Thomas, went camping, had some late nights at the drive-in, had adventures in Ottawa, and also visited British Columbia. My childhood cat, Silver was so happy to see me, and sadly it would be the last time I saw him as he died in 2011. When summer ended, I went back to Nipissing for my final year, and had the opportunity to live with my very first friend at Nipissing; her family was kind enough to welcome me into their home for a few short months before my final teaching practicum would begin. Once 2010 was coming to an end, my friend Michael and I celebrated at the stroke of midnight by indulging in chocolate; we had decided to give it up for the year – much to the disapproval of our friends, but more of that to come as the decade goes on.

This is a year that I remember quite vividly, as there were many powerful moments that I experienced in these 12 months. I began 2011 with the adventure of a lifetime as I embarked on a month long trip to Ecuador. Here, I not only taught English in a local school but had the chance to visit the Amazon Rainforest, as well as learn so much about the culture and people of Ecuador. It is still one of the best experiences of my life, and a place I’d love to go back and visit again.

Much fun was had this year: I got to sit courtside at the Harlem Globetrotters game, experience Medieval Times dinner theatre, took in a ton more Blue Jays games, witnessed a longtime friend get married, and got accepted into Grad School. In June, I graduated from Nipissing University with two degrees and got to celebrate my graduation in conjunction with my 23rd birthday; it also meant I was saying goodbye to North Bay, which had been my home away from home for 5 years.

Summer 2011 I spent preparing for my move to Kingston, as I would be starting my Master’s Degree at Queen’s in August; my first time having to hunt for an apartment! Adjusting to the big campus lifestyle was a bit overwhelming at times, as Queens was so different compared to Nipissing, but I quickly made a good friend and felt right at home in no time. I really liked the city of Kingston and got to spend more time with a friend of mine from Nipissing who lived out that way. Many fun nights were had in my apartment, including the Halloween where we all coincidently dressed as pirates, and although my childhood pet passed away, I was gifted with a new kitty, Tyson who made living alone a lot less lonely.

2011 continued to bring new experiences, as for the first time ever, I would become an Aunt; my nephews Elliott and Benjamin were born only a month apart in November and December. We closed out 2011 by counting down the New Year with the Pizza delivery guy – as Michael and I were excited to indulge in pizza at the stroke of midnight after giving it up for the year.

Just like 2010, in 2012 I was in the heart of my thesis at school, working towards completing and hopefully publishing my cognate by the summer. Still enjoying my time at Queens, the beginning of 2012 meant a lot more research, with too many hours spent in the archives. In February, my beloved VW Jetta had to be replaced – that car had experienced so many fun road trips – but a new car (Mazda 3) would take its place and provide many wonderful driving memories. In the early spring, our Nipissing University Crew (NU Crew) returned to North Bay for a reunion and held our first ever wine tasting evening; it was eventful and ever so much fun. Additionally, my boyfriend (now husband) and I celebrated 7 years together with our first ever vacation, travelling to the Dominican Republic; highlights of the trip included snorkeling, boating, and simply relaxing together poolside and at the beach.

I spent much of Spring 2012 job searching, as I knew my studies were coming to an end, and I wasn’t going to be living in Kingston much longer. My Summer didn’t really start until the middle of July, as I was busy finishing my cognate and awaiting for it to be approved by the university. I visited home periodically to see family and friends, while also taking the time to catch some baseball, hit up Canada’s Wonderland, and take in a concert or two; I saw one of the best Coldplay concerts that summer. I took a lot of time to visit my Grandma that summer, and I was really glad I did, as she ended up passing away later in the year.

Before moving back home, I celebrated my 24th birthday in Kingston; so many of my friends made it out to visit, I felt really loved and blessed that year. The end of the summer was actually pretty uneasy for me; an old teacher/friend passed away, my grandma’s health was declining, and for the first time in a long time, there were many unknowns regarding what I was going to be doing come September. I tried to remain in high spirits, making the most of the free time I had for the first time in (what seemed like) forever. Some highlights include: ziplining, attending Rogers’ Cup Tennis, visiting Sandbanks , camping, and Benjamin’s baptism.

A week before the school year was going to start, I accepted a new job working in a Before and After School program, and my future didn’t seem so scary. Ask anyone close to me, what the month of August was like for me, and they’ll chuckle and say I was very concerned that I would be jobless forever; in my defense, I was used to working 2-3 jobs every summer and going back to school in September, so 2012 was a new experience for me since I finished my Master’s program and therefore wouldn’t be returning to school. A few weeks into my new job, I was struck with news of my Grandma dying. My Grandma and I were quite close, and had grown even closer the last 5 or so years before her death; that year I was visiting her almost on a weekly basis. My Grandma dying wasn’t the only difficult experience I faced during the tail-end of 2012; the classroom which I was working in was quite intense, with high behavioural needs and while I learned so much real life teaching experience and behaviour management skills, on some days it was really difficult to feel excited about going to work. A highlight during this time though was finally being able to have Jeff, my boyfriend at the time (now husband) after 7 years of dating, move in with me.

The end of 2012 wasn’t actually the end of the world, and I happily rang in the New Year with many of my close friends. Few people knew that my Dad was becoming pretty sick by the end of the year, and given all the changes that happened throughout the year, I was looking forward to beginning a new year. While it wasn’t an easy year, 2012 provided so much growth and perspective. I learned a lot, not only academically but also about myself: my insecurities (letting go of control) my strength, will, determination and my relationships. Oh, and with 2012 coming to a close, it meant that Michael and I were able to eat ice cream again (among other things!).

Three years down, 7 more to go! Stay tuned for the next blog.

90s Earworms: My Favourite Music from the 90s

I had a blast reminiscing about all the 90s television, fashion and nostalgia, but I intentionally left out 90s music because I truly felt it deserved it’s own separate blog post. Music in the 90s was, weird. I remember thinking as a kid/pre-teen that it was just my taste in music that was weird because it seemed to involve so many different genres and styles, and maybe that is true, but then I find myself looking at all the bands and artists and think, music in the 90s was really trying to “find itself” and stand out. It needed to be different and offer something fresh, and I am sure there are thousands of blogs, articles and the like written that dive further in depth into the meaning of music in the 90s and what it meant to the culture and society at the time, but this is not that blog. What I mean is that when I think about some of the music I used to listen to growing up in the 90s, I laugh and say “that really was terrible, but I love it!” Like anything else, these artists, songs and bands are tied to great memories and in themselves are just nostalgia. So let’s load up that CD Walkman and get to jumpin’ around with some of my favourite 90s earworms.

Let’s just get these girls out of the way, because this group was THE GROUP of the 90s. Whether you loved them or just had a sibling who did, everyone knows the Spice Girls. I would be putting it lightly by saying I was OBSESSED with the Spice Girls growing up. Passionate and enthusiastic, I lived for any and all things Spice Girls. I remember I had 2 copies of Spice & Spice World because there was one copy that always stayed home and one that came with me in my CD walkman or in the car if my family was nice enough to let it play! From having concerts at school or in my backyard, to birthday parties, and basically anywhere, there was almost always a Spice Girls song coming out of me. How crazy it is to think of some of the lyrics… I has no idea what it really meant when “tonight is the night, when 2 Become 1.” To this day, there isn’t a moment that passes by where if I hear “Wannabe” “Say You’ll Be There” “If U Can’t Dance” “Spice Up Your Life” “STOP” “Who Do You Think You Are” or “Too Much” that I’m not passionately belting out the lyrics and trying to reenact the dance moves from the music video or movie. To be fair, doesn’t everyone just get up to dance and sing along whenever Wannabe comes on at a wedding or dance?

Before I move on to another group, I will do a small shout out here to bands like S Club 7 and B*Witched for also filling my head with catchy-ass songs like “S CLUB PARTY” and “Bring It All Back” as well as “C’est La Vie” “If It Don’t Fit” and “Rollercoaster” – but remember what I said about laughing and remembering how terrible the music was? Yeah… these are not songs I tend to revisit, ever, but 90s Amanda LOVED THEM! I had to include them because I rocked out to them pretty often too. I did like bands like Destiny’s Child but I wouldn’t say they were a favourite of mine, same thing with TLC as I felt with these groups it was more just a few songs I liked rather than being able to listen to an album from beginning to end.

Backstreet Boys & NSYNC
How could you possibly pick just one? Cue everyone who is loyal to the soil for BSB or NSYNC coming at me… bahahaha. No seriously though, boybands were the best in the 90s weren’t they? Some of my favourite BSB songs were, “Get Down” “We’ve Got It Goin’ On” “Everybody (Backstreet’s Back)” “Quit Playing Games with My Heart” “It’s Gotta Be You” and “Larger Than Life.” My BFF would be disappointed to learn that I only ever had 3 BSB CDS in my life – Backstreet Boys, Backstreets Back, and Millennium – but they got their share of playtime in my CD player! I don’t know if I could choose between only keeping BSB or NSYNC, because NSYNC had some great songs too: “Tearin’ Up My Heart” “I Want You Back” “Here We Go” and the BEST CHRISTMAS SONG EVER “Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays” – seriously though, did most people who weren’t young girls even know the difference between the two bands? BOTH were great and another awesome reason why we are thankful for the rise of the boybands- thank you 90s! We have their popularity in the 90s to thank for the reason why the early 2000s graced us with really great songs by both these bands. Oh, and because everyone is thinking about it as they read this, my favourite Backstreet Boy was Kevin (I liked that he looked mature and had things figured out- with Brian being a close second) and as far as NSYNC goes it was Joey (I value fun and goofy personalities – with JC being the hottie).

Just as I did above, I have to give a shoutout here to Hanson because they were not the traditional boy band – they actually played their own music. I really liked their music, beyond the classic “Mmmbop” I remember playing the album Middle of Nowhere on repeat many many times. Seriously, that album was great! “Where’s the Love” “Thinking of You” “I Will Come to You” “A Minute Without You” and even “Man From MIlwaukee” was hella-catchy!

Those, That’s SO 90s Groups
There is no other way to really categorize these next artists that are so totally 90s. I’m talking about your AQUA, Vengaboys, Ace of Base, Prozzak, Eiffel 65, Smashmouth- most of which are remembered for one or two really catchy songs, and then forgotten about. While this is partially true, I included them because these songs were total earworms for me: “Barbie Girl” “Dr.Jones” “We Like to Party” “Boom Boom Boom Boom” “The Sign” “Don’t Turn Around” “All that She Wants” “Strange Disease” “Sucks to Be You” “Blue” “Walkin on the Sun” and “All Star”- easily getting stuck in your head for days! I am sure I am forgetting some… These bands were fun to listen to and that’s all I really have to say about that.

The Bands
Now I get to talk about No Doubt, The Smashing Pumpkins, Nirvana, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Green Day, and Metallica, – the kind of bands that I really felt I got into because of the influence from my older brothers. I remember having No Doubt’s Tragic Kingdom album in my own collection, and most of everything else was borrowed from my brothers’ massive CD case collection- you know those MASSIVE ones that were kept in the car that held the discs in the sleeves but not the booklets? Yup. I found that Nirvana and Green Day especially would only make their way into my own CD player if I had the song stuck in my head from having my brothers play the CD so often and so I stole it from them and tried to give it back before they noticed. While I know that U2 was totally more of a 80s band, as that is when they started, I didn’t start obsessing about U2 until the 90s – obviously because I was older at this point but again because of the influence of my brother. I should have a separate section on this, but I won’t. I really love U2 and I fell in love with them as a band because Achtung Baby – yeah the album is way better than Joshua Tree! So I am including them in this 90s post because that album was released in 1991 and was the first album I ever “borrowed” from my brother and never gave back. Don’t get me wrong, I recognize the 90s was a WEIRD time for U2… Zooropa? POP? Remember when I said earlier about the journey of standing out and finding yourself, yeaaaaaaaah that was a strange time to be a U2 fan – but “Lemon” is still a favourite, a weird, odd, favourite. “Numb” and “Stay (Faraway so Close)” are songs I often return to and am glad to blare from my speakers from time to time.

Other bands I grew to love in the 90s also included Matchbox Twenty, Blink 182, The Offspring, Third Eye Blind, Barenaked Ladies (yes- the Steven Page ERA!), Hootie and the Blowfish, and Sugar Ray, just to name a few. I can thank Blink 182 for introducing me to punk-rock music and for inspiring some of my late 90s early 2000s fashion choices and desire to pick up skateboarding as a hobby. Matchbox Twenty is still a band I really love listening to today (and that more recently means Rob Thomas’ solo stuff- but still great!). My Matchbox Twenty favourites include “3 AM” “Push” and “Real World” – and some of their best stuff came in the early 2000s. When I think of Blink 182 I instantly hear “All the Small Things” “What’s My Age Again” and”Josie” – once again another band that had some great stuff come to follow these tracks in the early 2000s. Who could forget “Pretty Fly” or “Why Don’t You Get a Job” from The Offspring? Though, “Come Out and Play” was an instant favourite for me. I’m feeling SO NOSTALGIC right now! Thinking of the Barenaked Ladies songs gives me all the feels, maybe because this band was really one that my whole family liked? I can’t even name all the songs because too many of them would be listed here. Let’s agree that “Gordon” “Maybe You Should Drive” and “Born on a Pirate Ship” were good albums, but nothing beats “Stunt” (Maroon came out in 2000 so it doesn’t make the list!) When it comes to Hootie and the Blowfish, they were one of those bands I didn’t realize I liked until I noticed that the songs I kept hearing on the radio and liking were all by them – “Let Her Cry” “Only Wanna Be With You” “Hold my Hand” just to name a few. Sugar Ray fits into that category as well: “Fly””Every Morning” “Someday”- most of the tunes off of the “14:59” album.

I know I am surely missing some bands that fit into this category of rock, punk-rock, alternative style music – so please let me know if I missed one of your favourites. Before I end this blog post, I do need to squeeze in one last category of 90s music…

Rap/Hip Hop
Okay, so I was still a young kid in the 90s, but there are quite a few songs from this genre that I always remember, and still often listen to: “OPP” by Naughty by Nature, “California Love” by Tupac (I have my brother to thank for that as he is a HUGE fan), “Jump Around” by House of Pain, “Mamma Said Knock You Out” LL Cool J, “Doo Wop (That Thang) by Lauryn Hill – which I totally knew all the words – “Baby Got Back” – Sir Mix-a-Lot, “Ruff Ryder’s Anthem” by DMX, “U Can’t Touch This” – MC Hammer, “What’s My Name” – Snoop Dogg, and the song you loved and hated then loved again because it was so overplayed: “I’ll Be Missing You” by Sean Combs (you-know-before-he-was-P-Diddy), “I Wish” by SkeeLo, and last but not least, “The Next Episode” by Dr. Dre. Special mention to “Ice Ice Baby” by Vanilla Ice because how he looked rapping is how I felt whenever I would be trying to rap along to these songs. Bahaha.

I definitely know I missed some bands, artists or groups from the 90s. I’d love to hear of some of the ones I missed that you love (or loved if you’re over them now) or ones that were popular that maybe you didn’t like at all? Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a CD to burn on my computer titled “Amanda’s 90s Favourites Volume 1.”

Watching 7+ Hours of Wrestling this Sunday Got Me Thinking…

Fresh off of WWE’s biggest event of the year, Wrestlemania, I was feeling compelled to write my next blog on just what being a wrestling fan is all about, and why it’s really a lot of fun – at least for me! For starters, I cannot help but chuckle a bit as I write this, as many times in my life I have had many entertaining conversations with non-wrestling fans about how boring and fake wrestling is and how it’s a waste of time, or how silly it is to get caught-up in the storylines or characters. None of that is happening here! Let me tell you a bit about how wrestling, and in particular WWE, has been a special part of my life…

Growing up with brothers, I was exposed to the world of wrestling from an early age. I remember being as young as six or seven and playing with wrestling action figures and play-wrestling with my brother in the basement or living room; jumping off the armrest of the couch like it was the top rope or running from one wall to the other like we were running the ropes. These were all typical things brothers and sisters did while playing together, right? Well, they were in my house; but hey, it was the 90s! I always loved role playing as some of the wrestlers we were watching on TV. These wrestlers were animated characters with bold personalities and outfits, and they did some pretty cool things. What kid wouldn’t be drawn to that? Any wrestling fan can tell you, the 90s were such a ridiculously fun and gimmocky time (even more so than nowadays if you can believe it). Wrestlers had over-the-top outfits and personalities; it was easy to get caught up in the energy of The Ultimate Warrior, the flashiness of Shawn Michaels or Macho Man Randy Savage, or the exciting partnership of the Hart Foundation, while being intrigued (and a little spooked) by the eerie persona of the Undertaker. As a kid, watching wrestling was entertaining because there wasn’t anything on TV quite like it. Oh and I always loved role playing and putting on a show. Wrestling wasn’t just about the physicality and horseplay, there was always a story being told and something unique to see – it was very much about the next jaw dropping or electrifying moment. It is very exciting, and like any good television series or book, you want to see what’s going to happen next to these characters.

My appreciation for wrestling was not just about the occasional role playing in the livingroom to see who could do the best sharpshooter or stunner, my brother and I were very interested in the stories being told. When we got a little bit older, my brother and his friends created their own wrestling league where they all had their own character names, entrance songs/themes, and signature/finishing moves (including submission locks). I often helped as a referee or even announcer, as I was really the only girl (and noone was actually going to wrestle me). In addition, I got to help my brother out with brainstorming storylines and even designing belts and posters; whatever kinds of activities would still allow me to participate in the fun. We had created our own little world of wrestling, influenced by what we were watching on TV. The truth was, wrestling was a really fun pastime growing up. Whether we knew the results or matches were staged, it didn’t matter. We were entertained. Watching these characters on tv sparked our imaginations and creativity. At one point, my brother and I had even created our own magazine; writing short articles on the different wrestlers and creating ads for events or merchandise — just thinking about all of these things makes me laugh and smile! It really was a ton of fun; no different than role playing or acting out the adventures of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (or whatever other show you may have been watching growing up). Again, all typical things to do growing up, right? Bahah…

There are a few moments (like those I just described) that make me realize just how much wrestling was a valuable part of my childhood. Looking back, I can appreciate how much wrestling allowed me and my brothers to bond. I remember watching wrestling at home and having debates with my brother and Dad over some of these wrestling characters. In particular, my Dad was never a fan of Shawn Michaels or Goldust and made sure to let us hear about it every time they came on the TV. I recall getting the opportunity to watch a live show, and my oldest brother telling us about running into Sid Vicious in the bathroom or sitting ringside and going absolutely bonkers when the shattering glass hit and Stone Cold came storming down the ramp. These little moments were electrifying and all part of the bigger story of being a wrestling fan. As a fan, you live for those little moments.

When we got a little bit older, the role playing went away but the entertainment aspect of wrestling was still there. With age comes wisdom, so we began to understand more about how these storylines and characters came together. At times, the wow factor diminished, or the element of surprise wore off and we could begin predicting just what might happen at the end of the match. New personas evolved and old characters developed new attitudes. I would be lying if I said that there wasn’t a time where I lost a bit of interest in wrestling, and it wasn’t just because of the evolution of characters, there was just a little less time in my life for keeping up with the storylines.

In my twenties, my appreciation for wrestling was reborn. Like picking up an old favourite book series that continued on after you stopped reading, immersing myself in the storylines and characters that were now present in the WWE wasn’t easy. Some old favourites were still around, but there were plenty of new faces to see. In addition, the style of wrestling had evolved, and wrestlers had talent and skill unlike what had ever been seen before. Familiarizing myself with what was happening on the various programs took a bit of time, but once again, it was proving to be quite exciting! Definitely worth mentioning that there were far more women wrestlers around too; it wasn’t just about having pillow fights or pathetic gimmick matches that lasted 2 minutes! Women were becoming more visible on the roster, and not just as valets, but they were beginning to make waves and do incredible things! Chyna, Nattie, Lita, Trish Stratus and Beth Phoenix were notable women during the early stages of my wrestling fandom, but now the female locker room was filling up with remarkable talents and very noteworthy personas. As a woman, and a longtime fan of wrestling, it was a relief (and joy) to see so many women getting the television time and recognition of their male counterparts. I can’t help but wonder how my childhood experiences would have changed had I been able to grow up watching the likes of Sasha Banks, Charlotte Flair, Nia Jax and Becky Lynch.

Undoubtedly my experiences watching wrestling as a child differ from my experiences watching wrestling as an adult, but there are still some key similarities. This weekend, I found myself talking with a friend about the ridiculously long line-up that WWE had setup for Wrestlemania; with the show beginning at 5pm and set to wrap up after midnight. Who can possibly sit through over 7 hours of wrestling? Well, apart from the tens of thousands of people in the stadium, and the millions watching at home- me & my husband. Yes, it’s true, it’s damn true. As an adult, dedicating 7 hours in one day to something that isn’t related to work is not only baffling but also quite unheard of. Yet, something about wrestling continues to draw in our attention and keep us guessing, waiting, and watching in anticipation to see just what is going to happen next. That same appreciation and investment in those characters and personas I held as a child still exist because at the core of any great wrestling match is a compelling and captivating story. The same kinds of stories I loved to watch, witness, and create as a child are evolving with new main characters and personas today. Whether I’m thirteen or thirty, the stories and characters that set foot in the ring evoke emotion through engaging and entertaining events.

So, preparing for Wrestlemania weekend really got me thinking about how much I love wrestling, and how I never have been nor ever will be afraid to admit that I do. I’ve been fortunate enough to attend live events and immerse myself in the live atmosphere, surrounded by fans who get just as pumped up as I do when they hear that entrance music hit, or can’t help but jump around when that wrestler hits that finishing move. I’m thankful too for those friends in my life who get just as heated or passionate when discussing the latest storylines; and for a husband who grew up watching wrestling too! Together, we can share in the electrifying moments of glory, heartache, astonishment, and intense emotions. While I would be lying if I said that there were not many times where I was incredibly frustrated with WWE storytelling or decision making, one thing is certain – there is always something worth talking about!

Discovering Disney Springs

While on my most recent trip to Walt Disney World, my friend and I took a day off from the parks to visit the highly anticipated Disney Springs. For those who don’t know, Disney Springs, formally known as Downtown Disney is a massive outdoor shopping, dining, and entertainment hub. While there are many Disney themed shops, there are also several other stores not affiliated with Disney whatsoever. There is so much to do and see here, and lots of money to be spent (if you’re not careful) and I will give you a rundown of just how our day was spent discovering Disney Springs.

After 3 long consecutive days at the parks, Saturday was a much-needed sleeping-in day and a day which we needed to simply go at a slower, less scheduled pace. While I mentioned before that I don’t pre-plan a ton of my trip when I go to the parks, with dining reservations and fast passes, you are bound by some sort of time keeping a schedule for part of the day; yet none of that was happening today! We were able to sleep in and get a good rest, and we didn’t head over to Disney Springs until about 1 o’clock in the afternoon.

Our View at Lunch Time

Upon arrival, we headed to D-Luxe Burger restaurant for lunch. This is a coined as a family-friendly spot for burgers and fries in a rustic atmosphere (though there is plenty of outdoor seating overlooking the water and other shops). For about $30 you get two gourmet burgers loaded with toppings, a generously sized fries for sharing, and two beverages. Of course, my friend and I shared this combo. D-Luxe also offers this delicious garlic-mayo for dipping; it was so good! They will cook your burger to your liking whether that is medium rare or well done etc. It was a really gorgeous day, so we definitely took advantage of eating outside; probably the nicest weather of the whole trip, a high of about 24 degrees Celcius.

After lunch, we began to walk about the docks at Disney Springs and check out the shops. Of course, instant favourites of ours were: Market Place Co-Op, Star Wars Galactic Outpost, Disney Pin Traders, Candy Cauldron, World of Disney, Ghiradelli Soda Fountain and Chocolate Shop (yes we snagged some delicious ice cream and free chocolate samples!), Disney Style, and Ever After Jewelry Co. & Accessories. Unfortunately, Saturday was the day where I was feeling ill, and quite frankly, couldn’t really take advantage of all that Disney Springs had to offer because we had to leave a little earlier than we had planned. Nevertheless, we did have great success shopping! I was able to score a fantastic Star Wars sequence jacket & a Loungefly Star Wars bag; I had limited myself to only 2 items for the trip so I was really happy to find these.

There really is so much to do and see at Disney Springs; they have a movie theatre as well as live entertainment, mini golf, and so much more. When the weather is great, it is so easy to spend the whole day roaming the grounds and checking out all the shops and stops. I know that many people take 2 or 3 days out of their trip to explore Disney Springs, and it is easy to see why. Luckily, we were able to return to Disney Springs on the last day of our trip to do a few more things and indulge in Sprinkles Cupcakes! I would say that the shops at Springs offered some items you couldn’t find in the parks, which was nice to see. On that same note, if there was something you saw at the park you absolutely wanted but didn’t get, it is not guaranteed that you will be able to pick it up at Disney Springs. One way to check for sure is to ask a Castmember (Disney World employee) at the park if the item is available anywhere else; they have a handy app that tells them where the items are located. Also, on your My Disney Experience App, under the shopping section, you can look for items by name or franchise and the map will show you what other locations have it. For example, if you absolutely need that Mary Poppins bag, the app will tell you if you can get it at Epcot, Magic Kingdom or Disney Springs. Keep it in mind, next time you’re searching for something but remember that technology isn’t perfect. For example, the app didn’t say that my bag was available at Disney Springs, and it was! So sometimes you gotta roll the dice or take your chances; you may be in for a surprise.

Before you head to Disney Springs, check out their website for a list of all the shops and entertainment events going on. I recommend planning out at least a few of the things you want to see, and getting an idea of where they are located in relevance to each other. For dinner, almost every place requires reservations, so keep this in mind. You can call ahead, or use the Open Table website to look at some available timeslots (if any). Last, but certainly not least, have a budget! It’s so easy to get caught up in everything Disney Springs has to offer, but you don’t want to break the bank doing so!

Thanks for reading. Stay tuned for my next blog on our adventures in the Animal Kingdom.

The Power of Music

We’ve all had those moments in the car or at home, or even at a party or event where we hear that song and right away we are overcome with memories and emotions; usually about a particular event, time in our life, or perhaps a particular person. More often than not in my own experience, these moments are happy ones that make me smile, laugh, reminisce and even think fondly of the people who are part of those memories. For me (and I am sure most people agree), music has the power to evoke emotion and change my mood, always for the better. The cliche is true in that music is therapy, and lately, I’ve had some artists on repeat (ad nauseam) because I have been thinking about certain people in my life lately and also some specific memories. Thus, I am dedicating this post to some of my favourite artists and will shed some light on what comes to mind when I hear any of their tracks.

Anyone who knows me knows how much I love Coldplay, ever since Parachutes was released in 2000 and I was only 12 years old. Coldplay’s music ignites my soul in a way that no other artist can. When Coldplay is blasting through the speakers, more often than not, I am singing along; belting out the lyrics with passion and emotion. For me, Coldplay holds a special place in my heart for many reasons as their music is tied to many memories and moments in my life with the most important people in my life. Most prominently, I have the best Coldplay associated memories with my husband. Our first dance at our wedding was In My Place off of their A Rush of Blood to the Head album; a song that he also played for me on guitar on our prom night, and the night he proposed to me on my birthday. Our first concert together was Coldplay, and we always listened to Coldplay on our dates when we were hanging out. My husband and I have been together for 14 years, so many of the lines about love resonate with my love for him. I’ve also had some great memories associated with Coldplay’s music with my best friend and a few other close friends too. Some songs have gotten me through some trying times emotionally and life-changing events, other songs are instant joy-boosters for me. Some of my favourite tracks include Don’t Panic, Violet Hill, Fix You, Viva La Vida, The Scientist, The Hardest Part, Every Tear Drop is a Waterfall, Hymn for the Weekend, Everything’s Not Lost, Talk, Ink, and Charlie Brown. I could list so many more, but that’s just a start.

Linkin Park
As I mentioned in my Fashion post, I went through a stage as a teenager where I was very much a skater kid, and with that phase came my introduction to punk and (heavier) rock. Hybrid Theory was, and still is, one of my favourite albums (and in my opinion, the best LP album released- yep Jeffery that is directed to you!). I wasn’t emo (for those who don’t know, look it up) but listening to LP sure let me get out any anger or frustrations I may have been harbouring. I never considered myself to be sad, upset, misunderstood or even angry as a teenager, I have always been quite joyful and happy so I wasn’t listening to LP thinking about all my pain and suffering. In fact, I only have one sad memory associated with Linkin Park, and it has to do with when my cat, Tyson passed away. The day we had to rush him to the vet and put him to rest due to his cancer was the same day that I was going to see Linkin Park in concert. I picked up my friend from the bus station and I actually couldn’t find the words to tell him what had just happened earlier that day. Right away he could tell something was wrong, but I couldn’t talk about it. I contemplated not even going to the concert that night but I knew in my heart that going to the show would be very therapeutic for me and there were songs I absolutely need to hear to align with how I was feeling in that moment. Eventually, I was able to share the news about what had just happened, and hearing those LP songs alongside my best friend really helped. So apart from this one memory, I listen to Linkin Park when I am in the mood for a “happy rage;” a phrase actually coined by me and that same friend who I attended the concert with. When Chester took his life in 2017, it really saddened me. It was the same pain you feel when an important person in your life dies. I know that his death affected me so much because LP was such a part of my teenage life, that it was as though a piece of me was damaged and couldn’t ever be repaired. Some of my favourite tracks include Papercut, Points of Authority, With You, Somewhere I Belong, Faint, Bleed it Out, What I’ve Done, Burn it Down, Iridescent, and Guilty All the Same.

Hall & Oates/Huey Lewis and the News
For the last several years I have been obsessed with 80s music, and obsessed is putting it lightly. I’ve always had an appreciation for “oldies music” – music that came before my time- because growing up with older brothers will do that to you – but also because some of the music out there lately is crap. Oh did I really just say that? Bahaha. Anyway, two of my friends and I have been so into 80s music lately it has consumed our chats and playlists whenever we are together, and yes, we’ve started sending 45-second lip-syncing clips to each other; dare I say we are at the 140+ videos mark? Simply the best! Whenever I hear anything from these two artists, I am instantly in a great mood. These songs remind me of so many special times, like Hydra Wine nights, road tripping to Myrtle Beach, and my friend’s wedding day. I love how timeless these artists are, and I never tire of their songs! Some of my favourite tracks are You Make My Dreams, Kiss on my List, Out of Touch, Man Eater, Private Eyes, The Power of Love, Do You Believe in Love, Stuck with You and If This is It … and I could go on and on!

Before I let this post go on forever and ever, I have to touch on a few songs that hold a special place in my heart because they remind me of my Dad. Bob Seger’s Old Time Rock and Roll is one song that is flooded with memories of my Dad. I recall many truck rides where this song would come on and my Dad and I would be singing along together with the music blasting out the rolled-down truck windows. At every wedding we attended as a family, this song always got my Dad up out of his seat to dance and the dance floor became like a karaoke stage. Jumping Jack Flash and Start Me Up by the Rolling Stones always remind of my Dad for similar reasons to Seger’s hit. American Pie was a song that my Dad played on repeat and always reminded me that it would never lose meaning or get forgotten. One time when my Dad was driving me up to North Bay, we talked for almost two hours straight about what some of these songs meant to him growing up and how they made him feel. What was extra special about this conversation is that my Dad and I didn’t have these types of conversations often; my Dad didn’t open up much, and while we were close when he was still alive, we never had deep conversations like these. Thus, I always think of him whenever I hear these songs.

Because music is so universal, it can be quite fascinating to talk to others about the genres and artists that influence you and flood your heart and soul with memories. We all evolve with time, and sometimes our music tastes change too. Writing this blog and thinking about the music that moves me has been quite an enjoyable experience; it solidifies to me how important some moments are to my life and hearing the songs instantly takes me back to those places in time. What a fascinating experience!

What are some of your favourite musicians or groups? I would love to hear about them in the comments!